Saturday, April 5, 2014

Starting a fresh

So after not really following the 8 week challenge as I had hoped due to a lack of discipline and some serious life changes, namely moving state and being without my husband for awhile, I still managed to finish the challenge on less than what I started and my fitness has certainly improved, which at the end of the day is the most important thing, even if I would prefer to see a nice low number on the scales.

I am now in Brisbane and our house is all set up (aside from a few boxes of bits and bobs which will slowly find homes) and am feeling much more settled and a million times happier. I've been enjoying living only a block from the beach and have been for walks and/or runs and/or swims on an almost daily basis since I don't have a gym membership and it seems silly not take advantage of our wonderful new location.

I did go and check out a new gym the other day, Health Works at Deagon and I'm heading in tomorrow for a free trial to see if its for me. It's just a small gym but the staff seemed really friendly and if they can assist me in reaching my goals I'll be really happy.

I'd like to get down closer to 60kg and would like to be a comfy size 10 in my clothing and want to get toned and maybe finally find the confidence in myself to rock a bikini next summer! Although ultimately its shape and sizing which I wish to achieve so if that means a few more kilos than what my mind thinks I think I'd be happy - the reflection in the mirror is what I've got to be live with and whats on show rather than the number on the scale afterall.

I know I need to tidy up my diet now I'm settled again, I've let way to many things slip back in on a too frequent basis, so tomorrow is Monday and it is currently pouring with rain here, so why not let the rain wash everything away and I can awake tomorrow to start afresh and keep working on achieving my goals.

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