Sunday, April 13, 2014

Online Workouts

It is not always possible to get to the gym and its easy to convince yourself you don't want to go outside because its raining or too hot, or lets be honest you just can't be bothered. These of course are excuses but at the end of the day we all succumb to them at some stage.

One thing we can't get away from is the fact there are plenty of online workouts available for free and which can be done in the comfort of your own home at anytime. Whether this means getting up 30 minutes earlier to leap around the living room or not sitting aimlessly channel surfing at night, it is possible to do SOMETHING at home.

I've found some great workouts online which I've then incorporated into my gym routines and on youtube there are some excellent home workouts ranging from pilates and yoga, to HIIT and strength circuits. Fitness Blender is a particular page I go to on youtube and they have a huge range of workouts, all easy to do at home with varying lengths of time - there are 5 minute workouts so really there is no excuse not to do something!

I've found the start of my couch to 10km program quite easy in regards to a workout as currently its running/walking for about 30 minutes, so I've been incorporating some of the fitness blender workouts in as an additional workout to get the calories burning and the heart rate up - trust me you will get a sweat on!

Obviously there is always the added risk of doing a workout at home following something online if you don't follow the technique properly and there isn't someone there to correct you like at the gym, however most routines I've found have an excellent demonstration and also advise you to take it at your own pace ensuring your technique is correct and you're not doing yourself some injury.

So if you don't go to the gym or can't get to the gym on a certain day and don't feel like getting out the runners and going for a walk or run, then I'd suggest having a surf of the net and finding a workout which might take your fancy in that particular moment - remember even a good stretching workout has its benefits! The internet has made our lives easier in so many ways, but it has also reduced the ability to have an excuse not to exercise.

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