Sunday, April 27, 2014

Meeting new people and exercising in the process

Aren't all these long weekends so nice! It's going to be a shock to the system to work five days in a row, I haven't done that since March and its May at the end of this week.

I have again used the long weekend as an opportunity to exercise. Yesterday evening I met up with two lovely ladies I have never met before but we wound up together due to a call out from a mutual friend to see who might be up for it. We spent an hour at Kangaroo Point in Brisbane running up and down more stairs than I care to count and then did some extra running on top of that to fill in the time and get the calorie burn up.

I had a great time. Not only were the other two ladies so lovely and friendly but they have also both lost incredible amounts of weights so hearing their stories was really inspiring and they were both so encouraging. Additionally the sun was setting and lights of the city were on and it was just a simply stunning spot to do a workout, we weren't the only ones exercising or enjoying the view.

Today I'm feeling the effects of all that stair running with rather tight calves and thigh muscles, however I needed to complete Week 3 of my couch to 10km program so I've not long returned from doing that. It was a struggle, my legs did not want to cooperate and I'm sure I wasn't going very fast but I went, I worked through the soreness and I got it done. So thats week 3 done and dusted - here's to week 4! Hard to believe this time next week I will have being doing the program for a month, it certainly doesn't feel that long.

One of the ladies I met last night was telling me about Park Runs which are on every Saturday morning where you can go and run 5km for free and you get timed. I am definitely going to investigate this as I think it sounds like a good way to keep inspired to train and work to improve your time.

Its supposed to be a bit wet for a few days this week so I might end up signing up for the gym so I can get some workouts done inside, plus I'm really missing my weights, but I'll go running if the rain isn't too heavy because I know I need to stick to my program otherwise I'll never reach this goal.

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