Sunday, April 13, 2014

Off Scale Achievements

When losing weight it is super easy to become obsessed with the number on the scale and use this as your only sense of achievement. Even now after losing over 30kg I still fixate on the scales and have to give myself a shake and look at everything else which I've achieved over my weight loss - my fitness being a number one off scale achievement.

At the start of 2013 I would not go for a walk let alone a run for fun, I'd take the dog for a walk but that was really about it. Now, I get fidgety if I don't exercise and I've just got back from a 4km run in the rain - no excuse not to exercise, not like I will melt in the rain.

Here is a photo out in the rain:

This is definitely an achievement which doesn't show up on the scales. The scales show a number which is reflective of so many elements, including bloating, which as a female has a nasty wee habit of changing ALL THE TIME especially around that time of the month.

Unfortunately the scales don't pop up saying - leg press more than body weight, run further and faster than ever before, doesn't eat an entire packet of tim tams - no, it is up to us to remind ourselves of these achievements.

Today I went shopping and I picked up a size 12 skirt to try on, this in itself is something to be proud of since I used to either a) avoid picking up clothes because I wanted to avoid acknowledging my size or b) was selecting a size 18 or 16 but I had to get the size 10 today. I felt really pleased with myself.

Me in my new skirt which I love - navy and white stripes!

The scales have been quite constant recently, which is good that I'm maintaining, but my head still wants to see that scale number go down, and I do still want to lose a bit more weight, however to know clearly the exercise is paying off and my shape is changing and toning I am able to wear a size 10 is a pretty good feeling.

By no means would I say I'm a say 10, I'd say I'm a size 12, it is still pretty nice knowing how far I've come and acknowledging the achievements I've made beyond a number on the scales.

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