Monday, April 7, 2014

Setting goals

So as I've lost weight and become fitter I have found myself running more than ever before. I used to HATE running and can remember trying to reason with the Physical Education teacher at school to allow me to swim laps instead of have to run! I dreaded cross country. So I now find it amusing that I like to put my joggers on and hit the pavement.

I used to prefer running on the treadmill but now prefer to run along the streets, nice to have a changing scenery and where we live now I can run along the waterfront which is just perfect and it's nice to see other people out enjoying the sunshine and exercising too.

So last night as I assessed where I'm at I decided to look up running aps and what would be a good short term goal, so I downloaded the couch to 10km ap. I can currently run 5km (and even a bit further) non-stop and would like to be able to build this up so over the next 14 weeks that's my goal.

Hoping once I've mastered this distance if I decide I like it maybe I can start to do some fun runs and maybe even consider some longer distances.

Who would have ever thought I'd be actively finding ways to run and train! It's amazing how much your mindset can change as your fitness does and you want to find new ways to push yourself.

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