Monday, April 7, 2014

Day One was well, easy!

So today I undertook Day One, Week One, training for couch to 10km and it was easy. I know the idea is to build up over the 14 weeks but I certainly felt like this wasn't really a workout since most of the time was spent walking.  I was tempted to run a bit further but I really want to learn to do this properly so didn't.

Instead, when I got home I found a HIIT/Tabata workout online and did that for 45 minutes (under the ever watchful eye of my black labrador, Barney) - definitely felt like I'd had a good workout after that. It suggested using dumbbells and/or kettle bells for some of the exercises but since I don't have any of them I just grabbed some loose bricks which are under the house - if it's a bit of weight anything will do! Even a bag of flour or  tin of peaches if need be. No excuses!

To be honest I really didn't feel like exercising today, I'd spent the morning fluffing around the house doing cleaning and ironing etc and my husband popped home for lunch. I felt like just blobbing on the couch doing nothing, however once I got my joggers on and was out on the waterfront I knew I'd done the right thing and given I still wanted more when I got home I think sometimes you just need to get your feet out the door and get going and then you're in the mood. Most of the time the biggest battle to overcome for exercising is just getting out the door.

When I was doing the Michelle Bridges 12wbt program I remember she said when you don't feel like exercising go and do ten minutes. 9 times out of 10 you will keep going and if you finish at the end of 10 minutes well you've done 10 minutes more exercise than you would have done anyway.

Personally, whenever I haven't felt like exercising and still go and do it I always do a full workout - it might not be the longest or hardest workout but I'm there doing it so I should do it properly. Often choosing to go to a class when you're not feeling in the best space is helpful too, you just go along and get told what to do and you know you'll be out in 45 mins - 60 mins. That's my default option anyways.

Looking forward to the next training day, which I anticipate I will also find easy as it only incorporates about another 1-2 minutes of running. Am sure as I get further along the word "easy" when referring to the training will no longer be part of my vocabulary!!!

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