Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Monday = Shin Splits, Stitch and Struggle Street

Today I set out for Day One, Week Three of my Couch to 10km program, after a rather easter themed and not-so-nutrionally-balanced breakfast of chocolate and coffee.

I don't whether my weekend diet is behind it or whether my body was just like "nope, so not in the zone today" but I got shin splints and the stitch whilst out doing the program.

Luckily the program is in intervals so I used the walking intervals to massage the stitch area and basically walk it off however when I was walking that was when the shin splints hurt the most. I felt like I was out running down struggle street.

I did the program as needed and as it was only 26 minutes today I then went for an additional run throwing in a couple of decent inclines to get the heart rate up.

I know shin splints could be due to not running correctly or maybe even needing new runners so I'll keep an eye on that. In regards to the stitch from what I've read in the past they're not entirely sure why people get it, there are a few theories but nothing set in stone, but the best thing to do is try and massage it out. Interestingly, normally when I get the stitch I get it on my left hand side but today was on the right so maybe its decided to switch sides.

I am pleased I completed the prescribed task and didn't let the niggles stop me and even better that I went that little bit further to ensure I keep challenging myself.

Have had a lovely Easter weekend, lots of lazing about the house, enjoying some chocolate eggs and hot cross buns. I've also done exercise everyday aside from Saturday, although I did go for a splash in the sea, so I'm feeling quite happy that even though my diet has been far far far from perfect I've ensured I've kept my exercise routine up, as once you break it I know it is hard to get back into it!

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