Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Setback

Feeling rather frustrated today.

I slipped at the train station on Wednesday and fell and hurt my knee. I was fine at the time aside from an obvious graze and the fact I was bleeding but cleaned it all up and was on my way. I went to the gym that night and did my running program doing about 5km and then a 15km cycle. I went to work yesterday and was fine then about 11am my knee started to burn but I assumed it was just my graze.

Anyway, as the day progressed my knee got progressively more painful and by the time I got home last night I was limping quite significantly and in a fair bit of pain. As the night progressed the pain continued to increase to the point where I was suffering nausea and crying from the pain. My husband and I made the decision I needed to go and get it checked out because there was no way I could cope with that pain so off we went to the hospital.

Thankfully it's nothing serious and nothing is broken but rather it is a nasty sprain, however I'm not allowed to weight bear today so I spent the morning in bed and now I'm on the couch. I'm all dosed up on painkillers to try and manage the excruciating pain and I have a leg brace to provide some support too.

I'm so frustrated because this will halt my running and exercise, I had to cancel my program planning I had for tomorrow and I just hate being so confined. It's ok when you choose to have a break but being forced to is annoying, especially as I really want to re-focus on my diet and exercise and get some more kilos off and get fitter.

As frustrating as this rest is I know I need to do it because I literally can't walk on my left leg and I know I need to make sure not to push it too hard too soon because otherwise I'll do more damage and only prolong my recovery.

Here is me hobbling around.

On a more positive note, I am meeting with Australian powerlifter Ray Hope on Sunday as part of his campaign to have 1000 healthy people by Christmas, to see if he can help me reach my goals. Additionally, my husband and I are off to see Hugh Laurie perform so that will certainly be a very bright point in my day and is something I've been looking forward to for a couple of months. I'll just be sure to make sure I've got a good supply of painkillers with me!

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