Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back to the gym

Today I was back in the gym after not going since I hurt my knee.

I did a weight session focusing on my arms and back and did a 15 minute low intensity cycle to start. My knee was ok whilst I was cycling however certain movements during the weights, specifically where I rested on my knees, was a bit painful.

I've been off the crutches and out of any knee support over the weekend and I will admit my knee has been aching so hopefully that is just because its getting used to moving again. I will be careful not to overdo it as I get back into the swing of things at the gym as I don't want to do more damage and if it doesn't stop aching I think I might have to pay a visit to a physio but here's hoping it will sort itself out.

I went for a very slow walk with my husband and our dog this evening which I enjoyed, it was nice to be back outside walking, however I did need to rest my knee afterwards and it also made me a bit sad I can't be out there running.

Last week my husband was driving mevinto and picking me up from work in the city and as we would head home each evening I'd often see people out running and comment how jealous I was. My husband said one night "hashtag things Anna wouldn't have said twelve months ago". This cemented for me just how much my exercise has changed but also the mindset which goes along with it.

I am frustrated my goal to get to 10km has been halted but I will be back on it as soon as I can. Even if it might be just walking to start with and slowly building back up to running. Fingers crossed its sooner rather than later.

For now I will focus on doing the low intensity cardio which I am able to participate in without pain and keep doing weights for my areas which aren't legs. It can be very tempting to not do anything but I know I need to keep the routine up and now I am able to drive myself again I'll be back in the gym and keeping on with my workouts.

In regards to my nutrition I am trying a new program out. I have to admit I'm a little bit skeptical as it seems to cut out a lot of carbohydrates and I'm not that keen on sacrificing food areas to ensure weight loss because I don't think that is maintainable in the long run but I'll give it a go and see if it suits me. It's also quite big on having you take supplements which again I'm a bit skeptical about, I tend to prefer to give my body what it needs through food rather than with pills and potions.

Weight loss really is a journey and I'm prepared to give things a go and see if it works for me. I was contemplating signing up for the current round of 12wbt to get back on track but instead have ended up on this other program and I am regretting it a bit if I'm honest. Oh well I can't change that now. I'll give it a go for at least a month, as that how the program is structured and then see what I want to do from there.

So much inside my head at the moment about my training and food as well as things in life. It would be nice to be able to shut it all out sometimes - maybe I need to get into yoga!

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