Saturday, May 17, 2014

The magic of a week

This week has seen some good news for me and I am feeling much more upbeat about things. I was offered a full-time permanent position doing something I love and am good at and I was able to complete my contract where I had been working so that I finished on Friday and therefore can start my new role tomorrow, I am very excited but also a bit nervous.

I also did some more research into the diet plan of the health coach I was looking at using and decided that it really wasn't me, especially with putting my body into ketosis and playing around with that. I have a medical condition which can be quite significantly impacted if you play around with ketogenics, so much so that it is sometimes used to help control the condition particularly in children but in a hospitalised situation. Needless to say I have decided this is not the path for me.

I have been going through my old 12wbt recipes as well as some other resources I have and planning my meals from there and focusing on healthy, nutritious meals and foods I enjoy. It is about portion control and making wise decisions but not necessarily restricting myself completely from everything I enjoy.

I also had a bit of a breakdown about my own self-image and feelings to my husband and it was a really good conversation and made me realise that for me I hold being skinny on quite a pedestal and I really want to be skinny but at the same time I want to bit fit and toned and made me think about why do I want to be skinny so much and will I ever get to the place where I am happy with my look. It is quite scary to step back and look at it and think it could be a slippery slope into an eating disorder if I don't assess things and take a look at myself.

Also, despite my knee still leaving me out of any sort of running or leg action I have been back in the gym and got a program done up with one of the trainers to focus on what I can do until my knee is back to normal. I had physio on Thursday and she said if I'd fallen slightly harder on my knee or fell to a different angle by the slightest degree I may have dislocated by knee, but lucky it appears I've torn the fibrous tissue holding my knee cap which means it's a bit wobbly but not dislocated - phew! Hopefully I'll be back pounding the pavement in about four weeks time.

So, I'm looking forward to the week ahead. I've got the challenges of a new job which I can't wait to sink my teeth into, I've got a pantry and fridge stocked with all the foods I need to make wise food choices and I've got a program to be working on in the gym. I feel as if everything is on track again and that makes me happy.

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