Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Getting back into things

So I've slowly been getting movement back into my knee and over the weekend got a few kilometres under belt just out walking and also with a gentle run on the treadmill. Today though I felt as if things have been feeling much better so I decided I've give my running challenge a go again.

I knew to be careful and not overdo things but I figured my fitness has been maintained so need to go back to square one, so I just went back a couple of days in the program and instead of running at 10-12km/h I dialled it back to 9-9.5km/h. Bit frustrating having to run slower but better to get stronger going slowly than do any damage going fast. Pleased to say I easily got through that program so should be back to where I was a few weeks ago within a few days - yay!

My head is a bit all over the place with food choices at the moment which is frustrating and I start with all the best intentions in the world and then it goes downhill and too often has ended up with binge eating. Think I need to tell myself to snap out of whatever is going on and sort my shit out and insert some necessary self-control.

My new job is great and I'm enjoying it immensely, does tend to lend itself to not eating regularly and therefore more tempting to grab foods on the run or a chocolate bar for lunch etc but with good planning and stocking of my drawer and the fridge at work I think I will be fine.

Now I'm able to use my left leg again I'll be asking for another program at the gym which focuses on more than just my back and arms - although I must say they have got some definition to them at the moment thanks to getting a few extra days than normal!

I think to help on the food front I will be sitting down this weekend and making a plan, when I know what I'm expecting for the week it helps keep me on track. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail.

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