Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Emotions and food

I am an emotional eater. I have been for as long as I can remember and it is certainly part of the reason I got as big as I did. I understand the quote "I eat because I'm unhappy and I'm unhappy because I eat."

Part of the weight loss/lifestyle change for me has been trying to disconnect my emotions from food. I am certainly better than I used to be but no matter what I eat it still triggers emotions and I do still turn to food as a comfort sometimes.

Trying to change these habits is hard and while I've been out of exercise due to my knee I've tended to turn to food because I've not had exercise as my go-to space. Not exercising and instead eating for comfort has led to me being remarkably emotional and also feeling quite down about myself, particularly in regards to my food choices.

Today I had had a really good day, I shouldn't refer to it as a good day but I'd made wise choices and still choices that I had really enjoyed, then my husband suggested we go out for dinner and I ate way too much and feel really gross and guilty about it. I feel like I let myself down and now my brain is reprimanding myself for choices I made. As someone who experiences these feelings I can understand how people get to the stage where the voices take over and sadly they end up with eating disorders and extremely ill.

I know I need to disengage this connection with good/bad, guilty/innocent when it comes to food because that in itself plays into the whole emotional eating side of things. I should eat what I like and enjoy it, which includes lots of delicious fruit, vegetables, meats, dairy and wholemeal grains as well as chocolate and ice cream. I should eat in moderation for what my body needs and not link things to being bad or good foods or feeling filled with guilt  about my choices. However, this is so much easier said than done.

I am hoping with my fitness/health coach I will be able to work on some of these head issues in regards to my nutrition to help keep me on track and reaching the goals I want.

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