Saturday, June 21, 2014

Getting ready for the round

I have printed off my menu plan, recipes and fitness plan for next week with Monday being day one of the June 12wbt round. I'm really looking forward to being back on the program and working towards my goals with the structure and support which I think you get from doing 12wbt.

I've done my groceries today so I'm prepared for the week and am really looking forward to the food again. A few of my previous favourites are on the menu for this week as well as a new dish which I'm looking forward to trying out.

I have a "red flag" day the first two days as I'm heading away on Monday night for work. I'm only away for the one night and whilst I won't have the 12wbt dinner I'll be able to choose something smart like fish and salad and then its just breakfast and lunch the next day so it will be again just making smart choices but I'll be able to have my planned dinner on Tuesday night. I'll just have to control myself when in the Qantas Lounge and not take advantage of the drinks in business class!!!

I also like that my exercise plan is provided and whilst I don't mind sitting and writing out my own programs each week, having this makes life that little bit easier and it will also work on increasing cardio fitness and strength over the 12 weeks, meaning by the end I'll be able to go that little faster and/or longer and be lifting/pushing/pulling heavier weights.

Feel like things are on the right track again in regards to my health and fitness and I can't wait to get properly started.

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