Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week One done

So today is the end of week one of 12wbt and I will admit it has not been a good week in regards to either diet or exercise and I will be surprised if there is a loss on the scales come Wednesday.

I could list a million reasons why my week hasn't been good but at the end of the day they are excuses and I've sat and had a good long and hard think about things.

A few things over the week just made me feel like everything was just a bit tough and I admit I turned to food to get through it, when I should have made smarter choices.

It all started off well, and while I was away I ate quite well making wise food choices. It then just started to fall apart as the week progressed with work stress and a family situation. I know sometimes life throws things at us and you can't always be perfect with nutrition and fitness but I feel frustrated with myself that I let it get so out of hand.

Anyway, I've had a good look in the mirror and a bit of a pep talk to myself and I'm all prepared for the week ahead. I've got my groceries, I've got my meal plans, I've got my exercise plans all written out and all my gym gear is clean and I will pack my bag tonight. There will be no "I can't be bothered tonight" moments this week and there will be no need to incorporate silly choices into my diet.

Saturday night will be my red flag as it is my husbands birthday but that is also the perfect reason not to have any alcohol as he can enjoy a few drinks with dinner and I can be the sober driver. I will also be able to make a smart choice food wise no matter where he selects for dinner and since its a treat meal night it also means I'll have a few extra calories than normal to allocate to my dinner.

Feeling a bit glum heading into week 2 but am sure if I can sort this mental stuff out and empower myself to stay focused and on track then come weigh in next week I'll be feeling much better about things.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Getting ready for the round

I have printed off my menu plan, recipes and fitness plan for next week with Monday being day one of the June 12wbt round. I'm really looking forward to being back on the program and working towards my goals with the structure and support which I think you get from doing 12wbt.

I've done my groceries today so I'm prepared for the week and am really looking forward to the food again. A few of my previous favourites are on the menu for this week as well as a new dish which I'm looking forward to trying out.

I have a "red flag" day the first two days as I'm heading away on Monday night for work. I'm only away for the one night and whilst I won't have the 12wbt dinner I'll be able to choose something smart like fish and salad and then its just breakfast and lunch the next day so it will be again just making smart choices but I'll be able to have my planned dinner on Tuesday night. I'll just have to control myself when in the Qantas Lounge and not take advantage of the drinks in business class!!!

I also like that my exercise plan is provided and whilst I don't mind sitting and writing out my own programs each week, having this makes life that little bit easier and it will also work on increasing cardio fitness and strength over the 12 weeks, meaning by the end I'll be able to go that little faster and/or longer and be lifting/pushing/pulling heavier weights.

Feel like things are on the right track again in regards to my health and fitness and I can't wait to get properly started.

Monday, June 16, 2014

A Good Day

Today has been a good day with regards to my fitness and diet, and even just in general.

I did my fitness test for the 12wbt program tonight to check I've selected the right program. It marks you out of 50 and I got 65 and it is suggested if you fall within 55-100 then you should be on the advanced program.

In 4 weeks my goal is to increase this to 70, so I just need to run a bit further, do a couple more pushups, hold my plank and wall sit that little bit longer and reach 1cm more! By the end of 12 weeks hopefully this will be even better.

In addition to my fitness test I just did a general cardio night spread across the cross-trainer, a steady state jog and hill intervals and then random intervals on the bike. Then followed with a minute of mountain climbers, a minute of squat pushes with 5kg and then some abs work and stretching.

I have also been mindful of my diet today and with some forward planning have kept within my calorie limit but haven't felt hungry at the same time either which is excellent. Was quite proud of myself at lunchtime as I was greeted with shelves of chocolate on sale when I popped into a department store to get some new pantyhose but I didn't give in to temptation and felt like if I can do that then, then I can keep doing it.

So on a high after my exercise, all those endorphins must be pumping, and a day of good eating I feel like I'm in the mind space to get on with achieving my health and fitness goals over the next 12 weeks and in to the future.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday Session

I had my first session with my new personal trainer this morning and absolutely loved it. It was a session so she could see how fit I am and my form. It was also nice to be outside doing the workout. As much as I love the gym it is nice to get outside and enjoy the scenery - we were lucky the rain stayed away too.

We did some circuit training mixing strength and cardio and then an ab circuit - I can feel the muscles in my butt and my abs even now an hour after I finished. That's some quick working exercises!

I've been back in the gym this week with a focus on weights because its what I enjoy the most, however there has been some cardio too. A good mix of working all my body parts, although still struggling with lunge a bit because when I put my bad knee backwards its quite painful but aside from that everything was working well and I was happy with the weights I was lifting/pushing.

I also re-signed to the 12wbt this week for the June round. I know I need the guidance again, I find having the set plans and workouts is easy for me to follow and definitely helps with my discipline around food and exercise.

I did lose 500g last week so since I've taken some time to refocus and try and establish routines again it is starting to have dividends which is pleasing to see. I know my diet could still be a lot better so that really is my key focus, with my secondary focus being to add strength through my training.

Interestingly, last time I did the 12wbt program both rounds were set at 1200 calories, I'm doing the same program as the last one I did but this time the calories will be at 1500 so I'm interested to see how this is done, whether its eating larger meals or more snacks etc. I can access my first meal plans from the end of this coming week with the official start date 23 June.