Sunday, August 10, 2014

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since I last wrote a post. Probably because I'm avoiding owning the fact that I have hugely failed on this round of 12wbt. This week is coming up to week 8 and I've basically lost a kilo.

I know my centimetres lost has been ok but the scales have barely budged and as much as I'd like to blame a million reasons the only reason is that I have been slack with my diet. I haven't followed the guidelines to the letter and I haven't exercised 6 days a week. I've eaten 'around' the calorie limit most days but with some MAJOR binges and I've exercise on average 4 times a week.

I know its not entirely in the scales but I just want to weight about 10-15 kilos less than I currently do. I know it won't be easy and it will be just as hard as losing the weight I've already lost, if not harder, and its not through lack of wanting it but its from lack of self-control and focusing on that goal and doing whatever it takes to get there.

I suppose part of the reason I haven't written a post for a month is because I've not wanted to face up to that truth. Every weekend I tell myself start again on Monday but I shouldn't have to be saying that to myself every weekend. I shouldn't be putting ice-cream and chocolate in my shopping trolley, I don't need to have the piece of cake or biscuits being offered at staff morning teas, what I need is to stop and reexamine what I want to achieve, why I want to achieve it and how I am going to get there.

Weight loss is not an easy overnight fix and even with the assistance of programs such as 12wbt ultimately it comes down to me to use what I know and what I have access to in order to achieve what I want.

So I've got 4 weeks left of 12wbt. I'll admit now I won't follow the nutrition to the exact letter as I tend to stick to the same breakfast and fairly similar lunches whilst mixing the dinners up but I can stay within my calorie limits.

I'm not going to achieve what I would have liked this round but I know why. I don't know if I'll sign up for another round because there are other programs out there I might like to give a go. However, I like the regular exercise plans and if I can use them and then have access to the recipes rather than following the meals exactly as planned out then maybe I might do something like lean and strong because I do enjoy doing weights ALOT more than doing cardio.

Ah, now that is all written down and off my chest maybe I can start to refocus and keeping reaching for goals. I suppose its a case of three steps forward, one step back for me at the moment. I'll just keep on plodding - I guess even a tortoise can win the race.