Friday, July 11, 2014

Letting life get in the way

So I've been loosely following the 12wbt eating plan and getting through the exercises, although I tend to only do 4-5 days of the program rather than all 6. I've been letting life get in the way to much instead of making these changes part of my priorities.

I saw the results of not following exactly and also having a massive binge/blowout on the scales last week with an increase of 600g. I was disappointed but knew I only had myself to blame.

I plan and prepare as best I can and then I end up letting one side of my brain win over the other - why can't it always just be on the side I need it to be!

I've found myself going out more often than I should be for both diet and financial reasons. Also having my husbands birthday cake still lingering in the kitchen has been a huge temptation. I won't lie and say I haven't had any but I certainly have devoured it like I would have in previous years.

This coming week I can flag next weekend as a red flag as I've got a friend and my sister both visiting from interstate which I'm really looking forward to and I'm sure alcohol and food will be heavily featured in our catch ups. My sister is quite health conscious and is gluten-free for health reasons so in some ways that might mean it won't be as bad as possible. I'm also going to be super strict during the week to help factor in my red flag days.

I've been up to the gym this morning and I've just customised my meal plan for the week to come and made my shopping list so I won't have any reason not to stick to that. Tomorrow I'm going to make a big pot of beef and red wine stew so that will do dinner tomorrow and Monday night.

I'll write my exercise plans up later today or tomorrow and know I can get to the gym each night this coming week and if I become aware of needing to stay late at work one night then I will get up and go in the morning.

It will be week 4 measurements next weekend so I'm hoping even without a huge loss on the scales there might be some improvements in regards to cm's lost and I'm sure my fitness test will also improve as I've been feeling fitter, faster and stronger.